Monday, December 4, 2017

An ambition for SMILES :D

Assalammualaikum blog!

I am completely sure that most are really bored by my posts because they are absolute in no way enthusiastic or creative - but then again I am writing in my own will _ so I'll try making them fun but other than eh I just want myself to be happy hee

I actually just wanna talk about many, many things- this blog is like a personnel- my own private place to speak out the mind.
As for so long. My mother has always encouraged me to become a Dentist '' and that was ever since age 6. My mother would always put Fatimah Az-Zahra or, to be exact Ustadha Fatimah Az-Zahra Al-Hafizah-- who my dear, dear readers.. is a dentist and a hafizah. She has indeed become a source of encouragement to me during those days and still now actually but ambitions change by time.
As kids are it changes multiply. But, I guess as they say "you can't quite get rid of your first love" for me it also applies as "you can't get rid of your first ambition"
By now though, I have found my true reasoning in the want to apply for dentistry.

When I go to dentist, I come out feeling somehow capable of doing anything I want- it puts me at high hopes because I feel confidence flowing through every cell in my body and I just can't help the urge to smile as brightly as possible.
I think that's really what I want- for people to feel as happy as I felt during and after those visits to the dentist.

I want people to SMILE. 😁

The world lurks with danger at every corner- it causes great fear, depression, anxiety and all the reasons for a person to not smile, and be happy.
I'd love to change that- I'm not sure just how checking teeth is going to change all that, but I'd like to give it a try.

there's this thing I always keep in my mind
"be successful not because we don't want to be the poor, but because we want to HELP the poor"

Life may suck for some- but it is not an excuse to be ungrateful
because indeed there are more things to smile for than there is to frown. It's just the matter of how you look at it and how you live it.

Cheerio 💓

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