Thursday, May 16, 2013


Hey Blog, Yesterday was my last day at school. So that means I'm not going to school today. While at school we were writing letters for our grandparents. But not literally for them, we were pretending that we lived in 1852, and this is what I wrote. (I wrote some others. Not just 1852.)

14th May 1852

Dear Grandmother and Grandfather,

Greetings to you both. How are you? I hope you are both well and enjoying life in London. I am missing my lovely, cozy bed. I wish for you to be here. Without you there is a hole in my heart.

Unfortunately, mother died whilst on the ship. The cold, freezing air made her terribly ill. Thankfully I have John by my side, the trip took more than 3 frightening months. There was tragic death whilst the sea grew wild. I have had sleepless nights without mother. John and I, with luck, made it to New Zealand in one piece.

New Zealand gave us a great welcome. Christchurch had a beautiful scenery. With the blue sky and the mountains happiness struck to me. I knew I would be safe here. I am now staying in a small, wooden cabin with 5 other girls around my age. Since mother's not here, John and I have to live in the orphanage. The people here take very good care of us, fortunately. But sometimes without big brother John, I feel lonely. I miss you both a lot.

With Love,
Victoria Joy Collins


16th May 1972

Dear Father,

How are you? I miss you very much. I hope you are safe and well. Mother misses you to. Is it fun in Australia? I wish to be there, but there is a  lot of homework to do. Luckily one of the homework was to write a letter. Like I said I miss you very much.

Love from your daughter,
Nina Smith

Hope you enjoyed it.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

11 days to go....

Hi, in 11 more days I'll be going back to Malaysia. It feels pretty weird, now that the day is getting closer. Mainly because I've been living in New Zealand for 3 years and a half. I can't exactly remember my own house in Malaysia!! The house in NZ now is like when we first moved in, no television sadly :(

Yesterday our school went to Ferrymead, it was so fun!! First we dressed up like people in the 1800's, then we walked to the lodge hall. The ladies were wearing bonnets with a dress but 4 of them were wearing a straw hat and a different kind of dress, the gentlemens had a cap and....1800's clothes. Then someone named George Todd started talking, after he stopped we ate morning tea. Then we were sorted out to our groups (I was in group 2) the first activity we did was craft we made candles which we didn't get to finish and I learned how to knit. 2nd we had pretend families. I was in the Smith family we are very poor but are hardworking and work well with each other. In the family there was Mrs Smith, Grandad Smith, Baby Girl,  Son Smith and 2 other daughters. The Collins was the rich family, Mr and Mrs Collins and their 2 servants. There was another family the Helen's, I think that's how you spell it. We had lunch and after that we went to pretend 1800's school. To end the day we rode on a tram.
So long!!

The Christchurch Mosque Shooting

it was one of the heaviest weight I felt in my heart. For as long as I have known, Christchurch had been peaceful, the people, the environ...