Saturday, September 14, 2013


Hello! It has been a long time since I last wrote......
I've been very busy lately with school....I mean there is school homework to do, my mum's own homework to do and well... my own work. On each Tuesday and Wednesday after school at night I have tuition..on Tuesdays there is Science at 8:30pm till 9:30pm and on Wednesdays  there is Malay Language from 9:30pm till 10:30pm. My two dear cousins have gone through a big exam and one of them I heard from her mum was really stressed because she didn't get to finish the question. Now she is at Kuala Lumpur. Our (Mushirah, me and all the other year 5's) exam is probbally in the middle of October.

  Goodbye for now.... I hope to write soon :D

The Christchurch Mosque Shooting

it was one of the heaviest weight I felt in my heart. For as long as I have known, Christchurch had been peaceful, the people, the environ...